Sunday, March 11, 2007

oh woe

My dogs are gone. oh woe
The two dogs that I had picked are gone.....adopted by someone other than me.
I've just boo-hooed to my husband about it. I'm so disappointed.
The lab rescue folks (aka the labrador nazis) said if I wanted to see a specific dog I could make an appointment. If I wanted to meet several of them, I had to wait until the dog adoption day (March 17th). So apparently "two" means "several" nowadays.
I suppose I should have just jumped on one of them, but I would have always wondered what the other one was like.
They were trained, so much of the work had been done on them. One was three years old and more settled.
If I get a puppy it is so much more work, oye.

I'm off to bed. I'm too emotional about this. I've been up since 4am. I had the opposite happen to me with the time change....I actually woke up way earlier than I should have.

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