The baby is better. Praise God.
He is still out of sorts though, because his sleep schedule is all out of whack. We brought him into bed with us during his illness so we could get a little sleep. Now he is having a hard time being by himself in his bed.
He has developed what appears to be a run of the mill cold and is still a little clingy.
But life is good.
Thank you for Fat Tuesday. I am giving up desserts for lent. So next to me sits a Godiva chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I am waiting for my friend to arrive and hope she will share her turtle cheesecake with me.
I thought I should give up my biggest pop, but I know that I am not ready for that yet.
The older boys are great. Q has been taking swimming lessons at the Y. K has begun rock wall climbing there too and soccer is about to begin for both of them.
They are in love with the two puppies of our neighbors (who were pictured in an earlier post). And luckily the neighbors endulge them and let them play and walk them and it gives everyone just enough of a puppy fix to get us through until 2.3 years go by and we get our own.
At this point, my carpet is trashed. The furniture is in rough shreds covered with slip covers. We'll get a dog before we get new anything.
My hunka is not thrilled about a dog. He says we should give the money we'd spend on a dog to the church. My friend AE says it is spending money taking care of God's kingdom.
The debate goes on.
1 comment:
Three readers in South America (at least visitors). I am impressed. You could always get into the foster dog business, although the boys might not understand the revolving door of visiting dogs.
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