Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new year

Things are in shambles around here.
More shelves and a light fixture for my ever evolving craft room. Two trips to IKEA and another two to Target, and now it is time to stay home and get things together.
Except oh yes, I have three kids. Two that fight and argue and bicker. And another that climbs and walks and falls and eats things he shouldn't. So I run interference, follow a toddler around, put grumpy kids in the corner, feed, wipe.....

Hunka and I went out for the first time as a couple on new year's eve. We were home by 9:30pm. So lame are we.

K has written Santa a thank you note. Here's what it says....

Thank you very much for the toys and books."

Then he adds an insert, an early request for next year,.... a picture of a boy playing with what looks like a large conch shell and a note that reads....

"I want a tuba Santa OK?"


Anonymous said...

I am fascinated by the statistics associated with your site. Why is Tuesday the most popular day for visitors? Who is looking at it from somewhere in Africa?

McMama said...

No idea why Tuesday. I've wondered that too.
I found out after my "Uganda be kidding me" post that my friend read it while she was in Uganda in November. I still have some friends that get out.