Saturday, December 04, 2010

The Dog Days are Over

Last night, the 'baby' put on his pjs (with buttons) by himself and brushed his teeth without anyone telling him to do so. He came downstairs fully ready and happy for bed, shocking us all. Then "The Dog Days are Over" from the Glee soundtrack came on the speakers. We did a celebration song and dance at full volume. Whoever says musical theater is not realistic is just. plain. wrong.

Saturday, August 07, 2010


The boy after seeing Usher today: "Why is he famous? And why did he spray paint his car?"
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

sh*t their mom says

more crazy stuff i found my myself saying.....

Me to boy #2 before a doctor's appt:

"I want you to go upstairs and clean your butt. I mean, your butt hole, specifically. Because if the doctor asks to see your butt hole, I want you to have the cleanest shiniest butt hole he's ever seen."

Friday, July 23, 2010


The garden is in full bloom -- I need to harvest, weed and put up the bounty. Last year I tried canning for the first time, but got too scared of things like, oh botulism and death.... and ended up putting everything in the freezer anyway.
Tonight I will make more freezer jams. I've made strawberry and peach so far this year.....and I can't make it fast enough. Tonight I will make more peach (98 cents a pound at Walmart), mango and blueberry preserves.
I think I have enough tomatoes and peppers to make salsa - but may end up making a nice garlic, tomato, basil, shrimp pasta dish. The kids may not like it -- but that is OK since I've got two new margarita glasses....that are begging to be put to use.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

The hills are alive

Life has a great way of coming full circle.
I stood in line tonight with my Very Fairy Princess book by Julie Andrews, waiting for her to sign it. None of the males in my family wanted to come with me. Whatever. I realize my dream cannot be forced upon my children as fathers sometimes do: ala Tiger Woods', or the Venus - Serena Williams' papas.
As a preschooler, I played my parents' album of "The Sound of Music" over and over and over on an aqua blue record player. You remember those things, the needle hand had a penny taped to the top of it to keep it from skipping....Hours and days on end I spent in my room, singing and dancing
and imagining the scenes and lives behind the music.
And then when I was about 5 years old, someone took me to my first movie...The Sound of Music. I stood a bit taller than the back of the seat in front of me and sang at the top of my lungs every song. I heard that I embarrassed and annoyed others, but not for one minute, myself.
The scenes in the real movie weren't as magical as they were in my head of course because they didn't star me, of all
of my 5 year old fabulousness.
And then in a one-two punch came -- Mary Poppins. Julie Andrews was pure English-spoon-full-of-sugar magic. I needed her to be my nanny.
Tonight, I waited in line about an hour and a half, and when my turn came to meet her, so did the tears. I truly hate that about myself. The crying thing. ugh so annoying. If there was one thing I could change about myself it would be that. Ok nevermind, make that the second thing I would change about myself, the first of course would be my hips, but I digress....
She said I was the second one in the line-up to cry, which didn't really make me feel any different. She said that she appreciates my emotions because she is usually the one doing the crying.
She was as beautiful and gracious as I've imagined her.
I thanked her for bringing me so much joy as a child and over the years. for filling my lonely girl head with music, dance and wonder.
She spent a few minutes asking me questions, if the book was for me or another princess in my life. I gushed a bit about my boys and attempts to bring them over to Julie Andrews Land. She seemed to understand that perhaps all would not like to join me. She asked me about my boys and intuitively knew that I was was aiming for a princess somewhere along the way, and I wished my mom could lived long enough to have seen this.
I normally am not a star-struck kind of gal, but I was tonight. I walked away from the curtained off room and some employees saw me as I dabbed away the rest of my tears. "Awww," one said, "that was pretty emotional, huh?"
I stopped for a minute still not sure who or what just happened and said, "I either had to cry, or pee my pants." She thanked me for not making it the second.

Friday, July 02, 2010

I can now blog from my phone. Just getting the hang of it. Took me a couple hours to figure out how to set it up


A statue of 3 boys that looked like mine. The statue boys are in a water fight with other statue boys. We thought this was cool

Sunday, June 20, 2010


What we did on our summer vacation....We went (along with the entire subcontinent of India and Pakistan) to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. This is one of those rare photos where everone is looking in the general direction of the camera.
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Toy STory #3

I don't think I was supposed to cry, no, weep at the end of Toy Story 3, was I?
Andy grows up, goes to college sure sure, empty nest that's easy. But uhm let's see, it is afterall --MY blog how can I make this about ME?
Do you know that I have gone through Pixar people? No less than FOUR Buzz Lightyears and TWO Woodies? Dozens of Buzz underpants, pull-ups, t-shirts, hoodies, pajamas and costumes?
These movies (we're on our second copies of each DVD because we've worn them down) have been memorized and acted out. And now our last little boy goes to the big theater and asks for a new Buzz.
He will get one at $30-40, because our life is unlike the movies. Andy takes care of his toys and doesn't hand them down through two more brothers.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Perhaps, it is because I miss my mom. Perhaps, it is because I am desperately for my kids to have grandparents in their lives. Perhaps, it is because I want someone else to look at one of my kids and see that he is a beautiful, smart, compassionate child of a most awesome God.

I guess I just want someone to see what I see.

Yesterday, I got a taste of this when the boys' 'Aunt' Patty spent the day with them and gave me the best gift of all. Patty is not related by blood, but has been at each of the babies' baptisms. The boys have known her from the beginning and think she is an aunt.
Before she pulled away in the driveway she said, "I left you a surprise." I found it later as I was going to my oft frequented spot-- the refrigerator. She left a letter in which she wrote about each boy and saw them for what I know they are, but often can't see because I am too busy correcting their manners, breaking up their fights and getting them to clean up after themselves.

"Q - is very practical and loves to share his thoughts! He has a great sense of humor. "

" K - is creative....and protective of the other two....and has a great deal of compassion for KC, helping him and encouraging him to 'try again!"

"KC is definitely secure being the little brother. He knows that K&Q are always there for him! Again a sense of humor that is so innocent but so quick! He has no trouble speaking his mind!"

It is the human condition to be acknowledged and seen. . It is the mother's condition to have her children acknowledged and seen.